Time To Talk Therapy Services provides one on one speech and language screenings, evaluations and therapy services to children in their homes, daycares or schools. Our screening services allow parents, caregivers and educators to determine if there is the need for a comprehensive evaluation.
We value a team approach to therapy services and parent/caregiver input is an important part of our initial evaluation. After an initial comprehensive evaluation is completed, an individualized therapy plan is created for each patient's specific needs and a written report is provided to the parents and/or pediatrician. This written report includes results of the evaluation as well as specific goals that will be targeted throughout future therapy sessions.
At Time To Talk Therapy Services, each therapy session is completed individually with a Board Certified and Licensed Speech and Language Pathologist. As part of our team approach, caregivers will be provided with feedback and strategies to help with carryover of skills throughout the child's daily activities. Parents are encouraged to continue open communication with their clinician - We love hearing about your child's success!
How Can We Help:
We complete evaluations and provide direct treatment in the comfort of the child's home, daycare or school. Caregiver education is provided at the end of each session for carryover in the child's daily environment. If you believe your child has a speech or language disorder, contact us to schedule an evaluation.